

You can use this site to search the library collection, reserve books, find e-books to read online, and explore links to other sites you might find interesting!

Library Hours
  • The library specialist is available in the library on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
  • Questions about the library? Visit me on one of those days or send an e-mail to

Sora: How to Use

Sora is a digital library filled with resources you can access with a device connected to the internet!

To access Sora, click the following icon:

Then sign-in using your school e-mail and password.

You are now able to access all the resources in the HRCE library!

To access even more books, find your account tab and click "+Add Library" and add your Halifax Public Libraries card. Now you can borrow even more from their library, too!

You can also browse Sora through the catalogue on this website you're on right now. If you find a resource marked "eBook" or "Audiobook", click the "Click here to view" link to open it in Sora! You may still have to log-in first, by following the instructions above.

Android Insignia APP
Apple Insignia APP
 Scan to download the Apple App for our OPAC

Goodreads Kids