Welcome to the HRCE Online Public Access Catalogue, your one-stop search tool for print and digital resources. Using the drop down menu above you may choose to search "All Libraries" or limit your search to your own school library. Use the blue menu options to visit other library sites in HRM including the Halifax Public Library's ebook kiosk. We have links to sites that you may find helpful. There's a lot to explore here. Thanks for visiting!
Did you know
A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans.
Online Resources
- Reading Culture - French
- Astérix
- Children's Books Forever - French
- French Children's Library
- French Children's Stories
- French ebooks
- Toon Books
- Teacher Learning Centre
- Eduportal
- Moodle
- Technology Integration
Video of 11
The Mount Desert Island High School version of Meghan Trainor's "All About The Bass".
This Star Won't Go Out: The Life and Words of Esther Grace Earl
We Need Diverse Books
A fun parody about unread books!
Interested in some very quick booktalks? Check it out here!
Sing along with the "read a book today" song.
It's a Book!
Learn the meaning behind the numbers on the spine labels of your library books.
This animated short about literacy introduces us to Meena, a young girl who hates books even though her parents love to read. Books are everywhere in Meena's house, in cupboards, drawers and even pile
A fun Flash-Mob song.
Are you a fangirl? Do you love BOYS IN BOOKS? This video is for you! Fangirl with us as we bring all of your favorite fandoms to you! Harry Potter, Divergent (FourTris), The Hobbit, Sherlock, Hunger G